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The Magical Properties of Ginger for Health

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Be it cold, migraine or eating healthy, ginger is one of the go to spices for a range of health needs.

Native to southeast Asia, the spice is widely used in cooking and medicines since centuries. To enhance flavors, concoct a cure at home or maintain good health, it is used in various ways from fresh paste, dried ginger powder to supplements.

The superfood contains a bunch of nutrients including dietary fiber, protein, iron, folate and other vitamins and minerals. It contains gingerol that carries with it antioxidant and anti inflammatory properties.

There are several reasons why ginger is one of the healthiest foods.

Improves Digestion
An upset stomach or severe indigestion can cause pain and discomfort. Ginger is known to treat the gases that form in the intestines and have positive effects on enzymes that aid digestion.

Taking ginger supplements or consuming the spice in other forms helps empty the stomach faster and treat digestive issues.

Relieves Nausea
Morning sickness? Try ginger!

Whether the nausea is due to pregnancy, motion sickness or following a cancer treatment, the spice is proven to relieve it.

Reduces Inflammation
Inflammation is our body’s natural response to fight harmful bacteria and viruses. However, if it prolongs, it starts causing issues in the body.

Gingerol in the spice has anti-inflammatory properties. Eating ginger or applying ginger extracts on skin provides relief from inflammation, especially that caused by joint pains, osteoarthritis, or injuries.

Relieves Menstrual Cramps
Menstrual cramps can be painful and restricts one from carrying on with the activities for the day.

Traditionally, ginger has been used for pain relief. Ginger tea, ginger powder or ginger capsules can all be helpful in reducing the pain of menstruation.

Prevents Cancer and Heart Conditions
Research shows that gingerol present in the spice may help battle several forms of cancer.

In addition to that, ginger is known to lower bad cholesterol and lower blood sugar levels, both of which are linked to heart health issues. Consume ginger for a healthy heart and a healthy you.

Cures Cold, Flu and Headaches
If sore throat and cold are common occurrences, include ginger in your diet. Ginger root is known to have warming effects. It not only keeps the body warm but also makes you sweat and rid you of infections.

Drink fresh ginger juice or a hot cup of ginger tea in such cases. You can even apply ginger paste to relieve you of headaches.

A Final Word
As you can see, ginger has several health benefits. Make sure you include it in your diet. If you are looking for natural ginger extracts or dietary supplements, head to a vitamin supplements store.