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Health Benefits of Manuka Honey

Health Benefits of Manuka Honey

Pure, organic honey has been used since ancient times as food and as a medicine. It is packed with natural elements that provide several health benefits. Speaking of honey, one such type that packs a punch of goodness is manuka honey.

Native to New Zealand and Australia, manuka honey is derived from bees that pollinate the Manuka tree in these regions. Not only its name, but it also gets its unique health properties and taste from the plant.

Its antibacterial and antiseptic properties set it apart from other honey. The key component, methylglyoxal or MGO doubles its anti-microbial qualities. This type of honey is rich in natural sugar and contains amino acids, B vitamins, calcium, iron, potassium and zinc that contribute to a healthy body, skin and mind.

Used as a medicine historically, this honey offers a lot of benefits.

Treats Wounds

Honey has been used since ages to treat several types of wounds. In particular, manuka honey has antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory effects, which helps with regeneration of tissue, reduces pain and speeds up the healing process.

From burns to diabetic ulcers, studies have shown that it heals several types of wounds. In fact, it is approved by the US FDA as an option for treating wounds. Apply this honey on the affected area to prevent further infection and aid treatment.

Clears a Sore Throat

Honey is a common ingredient in remedies to fight cold and flu. If you’re suffering from a sore throat, eating manuka honey can provide you with relief.

The honey’s antiviral and antibacterial properties not only attack the harmful bacteria but also provide a soothing effect by coating the inner lining of the throat.

Aids Digestion and Boosts Immunity

A healthy gut promotes immunity and overall health. Constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain, irritable and irregular bowel are common digestive issues. Consuming manuka honey on a regular basis helps combat these issues.

The antibacterial compounds in the honey are known to fight clostridium difficile and helicobacter pylori; bacterias linked to digestive problems such as ulcers and diarrhea.

Its anti-inflammatory effects also help prevent gastric ulcers. When eaten in organic form, this type of honey acts as a prebiotic that improves good bacteria, leaving you with better digestion and immunity.

Final Word

While you will find various options, using organic manuka honey is the best way to get maximum nutritional value. Buy it from a vitamin store online, spread it on your toast or concoct a healthy drink and enjoy the plethora of benefits it provides.